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We have what you would call a garden every year.  With 3 acres it’s hard not to at least try. Last year, I dug out a section with the help of Aiden and my husband and we grew butternut squash and pumpkins.  My mother had several raised bed gardens with tomatoes, herbs, peppers, and kale. This year we are planning on a few other things to go with our usual stuff and Aiden plans to help.  So hopefully this year I and my toddler can garden and tending.  And not just plant and see how it goes.  Which is how it usually goes.

Dig garden

My Toddler Can Garden

Gardening starts at the dollar store every year.  We get new gloves, seeds, and even potting soil there for some years.  We got our packages of seeds for $0.25 apiece. They were $0.10 last year but still the cheapest place to get seeds.  

There need to be a few new sections dug up this year.  We still plan on doing the squash and pumpkin but they take up so much room we can’t plant anything around them.   We’re going to do hot peppers, green beans, sunflowers, carrots, eggplant, cucumbers, and herbs.  

We’re going to start our seeds in egg cartons and potting soil.  Then we’ll see what all will come up.  We rarely do any weeding once it’s in the ground so much of what we get is on its own post-planting.  Hopefully, this year will be a bit better.

We are going to dig up one-foot squares to keep the types of plants separate and hopefully make things easier to handle.  Since we would be expecting one type of plant in that section, weeding should be easier.

I also found this amazing book at the library from Better Homes and Gardens.  It’s called “New Junior Garden Book“.  I liked it so much I purchased my own copy.  It’s full of ideas to get your kids into gardening.  Or just to enjoy it more.  We’re going to make a few of the ideas including the Sunflower House which is an awesome summer fort idea.

What about you?  Will you be gardening this year?  How do you let your toddler help?

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Gardening with toddler

One Comment

  1. This is gorgeous! My kiddos love to help grow our own food. It is as exciting for them as it is for me! Great read. Rose @ Our House of Love