A Little Award Nomination: Liebster

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As an introvert, I’m not a huge fan of accolades but I should be excited about such an awesome nomination.  March is the 5 months of going live for Tadpoles And Mud Puddles which makes the nomination even more amazing.  So I thought I’d do a little pat on the back I got with a nomination for the Liebster award. Now May is month 7 of this little blog and it’s been quite the challenge.  Discovering and learning as we go seems to be a theme amongst us blogging newbies and there are a few of you out there reading.


Blogging Isn’t Exactly What I Thought I’d Do

In my last semester of college, I did a few things.  My husband finally got his visa to come to the US so we could get married.  It kind started a spiral that still makes me feel out of control.

We got married within the 3-month window that his visa required.  Which is no small feat considering I was doing my last semester of college with more than a full load.

So after we got married we discovered I was pregnant with Aiden.  Pregnant almost as soon as he got into the country. It was a bit of a shock, to say the least.  It meant that my plans were now changing. Instead of looking for a full-time job I was looking for baby clothes and diapers.  My husband who was supposed to get a job couldn’t find one so we survived on my part-time job and help from friends and family.  I realized that nothing I could do would really make me happier than being with our son.

So I started looking for something to do at home that could help people, maybe even teach (since that’s what I really enjoy doing and have been doing for more than 10 years) and make money.  Freelance writing and surveys brought in something but not really functional. I decided to take the half a leap to blogging. For a year I played with the platform and figuring out what I wanted to do with Tadpoles And Mud Puddles before launching in November of 2017.  So this now seven-month-old blog has a tiny following.

To my surprise and honor, I have been nominated for the Liebster award!  Thank you so much to Maggie of From Toddler to Traveler who nominated me.  So awesome!

(Update) I’ve been nominated twice more by Raina at Eye See Scarlett which is being renamed Kentuckiana Momma.  And Rachelle from The Plentiful CupThank you so much, ladies!




What Is the Liebster Award?

The Liebster award is given to bloggers by bloggers. Which I think is a great idea.  There’s a fantastic post of it on The Global Aussie.  I don’t know if they invented it but this award has been around since 2011.  The list of the rules is there.

General Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog. So, thank you to Maggie at From Toddler to TravelerRaina at Eye See Scarlett, and Rachelle from The Plentiful Cup.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
  4. Provide 10 Random Facts about Yourself.
  5. Answer 11 questions from the blog that nominated you.
  6. Nominate 5-11 blogs.
  7. Give the new nominees 11 questions to answer.
  8. Inform the people who have been nominated regarding their nomination.

Blogging: Why Do I Do It?

Although I never thought this would be the path I would take blogging is incredible.  It has millions of possibilities. So much freedom. And TONS of work. I get to do things that I love: writing, teaching and being with my son.  There’s always something new to learn and do. It’s also a great way to hide my introvert since that doesn’t affect my writing. Just get me in front of a group of people and watch me flounder.  🙂

10 Random Facts About Myself

  1. I’ve lived in the same town my whole life, with a short 5-month stay in China.  
  2. I’ve been on 4 continents: North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
  3. My grandfather was a boxer, I have two brothers who served in the military and I’m a martial artist.  And my son just started his first martial arts class. Apparently fighting is in our blood.
  4. My best friends growing up were all short term.  So I spent most of my time with my nose in a book instead of hanging out with friends.
  5. My husband actually told me to stop buying toys.  Sorry honey, I like buying cool toys for Aiden. P.S. I usually shop at the thrift stores or the dollar store so it’s not like I’m spending a fortune.
  6. I have 3 bachelor degrees and a minor (almost finished 4th degree).  Only 7 years of college for that.
  7. Cats have always been in my family.  I’ve always had an orange cat. We have 10 cats, 3 of them are orange.  
  8. I’ve played classical piano since childhood.
  9. I can’t stand in front of a group and deliver a speech without tremendous stage fright.  Ask me to teach. I’m fine. Go figure.
  10. As a kid, I had the same haircut as my brothers.  When I was finally allowed to grow it out I wouldn’t cut it for 10 years.  Not even to get a trim.

The 11 Questions I Have to Answer from From Toddler to Traveler

  1. What’s one thing you didn’t know about blogging that surprised you?  How much work I would have to do that isn’t writing. Like the amount of time, I spend on social media just trying to find an audience.  
  2. What is your least favorite thing about blogging?  How much you have to promote to get eyes on your site.  I feel like I spend most of my time on social media.
  3. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?  The power to not get tired. I’m always chasing my little one and can’t keep up.
  4. What is your “last meal” meal, i.e. what would you eat if you knew it would be your last meal?  Fried chicken breast, cooked carrots and corn, and mashed potatoes.  What can I say I’m a hometown girl.  
  5. Plane, train, or automobile?  Plane. It’s always been fun to fly.  I’d love to learn how to fly myself one day.
  6. What’s your favorite “cocktail party” story?  I don’t have one. I’ve never been to any.  I’ve barely ever been to a party. 
  7. Tell me a joke (PG, please, there are little ears around).  I can do snarky comments and sarcasm. Not really a joke person.
  8. What was your worst vacation and why?  I meet my childhood idol at the beach one year with my family and it turns out she’s one mean lady. (Who might have just not liked the fact that I staked her back to her trailer after her show and she was just tapped out on little kids that day.)
  9. Let’s say you could travel with your favorite Disney character. Who would you travel with and why?  Ariel. I’m a swimmer. I’d love to see the ocean from a mermaid’s perspective.
  10. If you could invent one tool to make your life easier, what would it be?  A super drink that helps mom’s keep up with active kids.  (Yes I know about coffee.  It’s my lifeblood.) 
  11. What is your favorite kind of candy? Chocolate!  Specifically the kind with smooth peanut butter in the middle.  

The 10 Questions I Have to Answer from Kentuckiana Momma (Eye See Scarlett)

  1. Would you rather dance to Livin On A Prayer or No Diggity?  I honestly can’t dance so my answer would be neither but if I have to pick it would be Livin On A Prayer.
  2. If you could interview one person (alive or dead, fictional or real) who would it be? Why?  My grandmother.  I really didn’t know her.  I would love to be able to learn her recipes and get some of her life experiences.
  3. What was your favorite cartoon show as a kid?  We weren’t allowed to watch cartoons in my house as kids.  We watched A-Team and the X-files from really little in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep.
  4. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?  Pizza.  There are so many different ways to make it.  I feel like I couldn’t get bored.  Also, my toddler would be pretty content with that diet change.
  5. If you could have one superpower what would it be?  The power to not get tired. I’m always chasing my little one and can’t keep up.
  6. Would you rather eat a live snail, sing in front of millions, or write about the most embarrassing events of your life for the rest of your life online?  I already write about my life online.  I’ve had snails.  And if you put me in front of millions I would pass out.
  7. If you didn’t have kids what would you be doing with your life or if you do not have kids, what would you be doing if you did?  I would be working as a flight attendant.  Traveling the world and trying to get the most out of my layovers.
  8. If you went on Shark Tank, what would you pitch?  A super pill that gives mom’s the ability to keep up with our littles and not be completely out of our minds and exhausted.  With no side effects.  (If it exists I would like a truckload please).
  9. What is the one thing you are most proud of that you have done so far in your [life]?  I’m really proud that I finally made the leap to create this blog.
  10. Where in the world would you love to live and why?  Italy because my side of the family is half Italian.  I would love to live on the meditation coast.

The 11 Questions I Have to Answer from The Plentiful Cup

  1.  If [you] were a kind of weather what kind of weather would [you] be and why?   Summer rainstorm.  I love writing in the rain.  It’s my favorite type of weather.
  2.  How would you describe yourself? Now as someone else to describe you? Are the answers similar or different? If they are different why do you think that is?  I’m an introvert, teacher and a mom.  I’m usually patient and try to be kind.  Others usually see the patience I have.  They also see that I’m quiet for the most part.  I think that means we see the same things.
  3.  Are you comfortable with the person you are currently? Why or why not?  I’m trying to be.  I need to spend some time taking more care of me.  I feel exhausted most of the time.
  4.  What did you Google last?  I usually googling words I need to spell correctly.  Most of the inquiries I have, go to Pinterest now.
  5.  What was the most awkward conversation you have overheard?  I was pretty naive as a kid.   I don’t really remember any awkward conversation.
  6.  You can eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what is it?  Pizza.
  7.  What has changed about you since you started blogging?  I feel more like a person.  Being a mom was swallowing me whole.  There’s a little bit of me back.
  8.  Which actor/actress would play you in a movie about your life?  Mindy from the Mindy Project.
  9.  If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be? Why? What would you order?  My grandmother.  I would want to get to know her.  Tea and talk.
  10.  What have [you] seen that [you] wish you could un-see?  How bad my parent’s relationship went and how horribly my father lived his life.
  11.  What would 2008 [you] think about your answers to these questions?  You had a kid!?!?!?!?!  What the heck happened to you?

My Seven Liebster Nominated Blogs:

  • My friend Megan at The Fabulously Frugal Mom has the best freebies.  I absolutely love the freebies and coupons she finds.  Also, she’s been my blogging buddy from pretty much the start.  
  • Tracy is a real mom talks about real problems who doesn’t mind speaking her mind.  She’s flat out honest at Coffee, Cupcakes, and Glitter.
  • Michelle is from Operation Momma on a Mission and she’s the place to get wine.  Or join her team and start selling wine.  With lots of advice for parents with teens and adult children.  
  • This all-natural mamma is Victoria from My Momtastic Life is all about homesteading in the modern world.  
  • Shannon from The Freckled Foot Doc is a podiatrist.  Check out the lifestyle blog and her ideas for wearing heels without pain and the best shoes for your kids.
  • This mom with twin boys has managed to keep a box-fort standing and exciting for at least 9 months.  Check out how she does it on her blog Fort Birthday.  
  • Carie from The Mommy on the Move is a busy mom has three kids and works from home. With great posts on fashion for moms that are both beautiful and functional and traveling with family.   

Your Turn New Nominees.  

  1. Can you survive without your routine?  
  2. How do you balance life, kid(s) and blogging?
  3. What do you do to relax if you ever get to?
  4. Life’s not worth living without __________?
  5. Do you read?  Digital, audio, paper or when’s the movie coming out?
  6. What’s your favorite form of exercise?
  7. How much do you tip?  
  8. If you could marry any superhero who would it be?
  9. What kids show theme song is stuck in your head this week?
  10. How much screen time do you give your kid(s)?
  11. If you could have one person to help in your house which Disney character would you choose?

Liebster Nomination: Finally

Exciting as it is to get a nomination for an award I’d love to get back to life.  My toddler is on the move again and I can’t run and type at the same time.  Time to have fun!