Potty Training Win (free potty training chart)

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Potty training is a long process with messes and successes all throughout.  It is hard on toddlers and parents alike. One of the biggest things though is patience.  Patience to let the toddler figure it out.  This is our first potty training win.  We still have a long way to go.  Hopefully, it means a little success and for us, that success is finally happening.    

potty training, potty win, toddler, tadpoles and mud puddles

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Potty Training Win

Our potty training win has been hard to get.  Aiden has yelled his butt off to get a dirty diaper back when he’s been changed.  Freaked out when the clean diaper replaced it. Cried uncontrollably for a good 30 minutes over a poopy diaper.  (Insert hand to face). Ugh! Potty training has not been easy.


Fortunately, we had a breakthrough.  We recently went visiting my brother.   5 days and nights in an unfamiliar environment.  And he decided that then was the finally potty time.  


It took us about 12 hours to get to Virginia Beach thanks to plenty of stops and the scenic route. At that point, we discovered that Aiden’s diaper was not just wet but leaking all through the car seat and up through his shirt.  He missed our last stop and didn’t notice because of his awesome 3-hour long nap.


He did it!

potty training, potty win, toddler, tadpoles and mud puddles

We walked in the door with a soaked kid and immediately went to the bathroom to clean him up and a fresh diaper.  Instead of hoping in the tub he insisted on the potty. Where he proceeded to pee for the first time! Bath and fresh clothes and a fumigated seat later he proceeded to stay dry all 5 days we were there.  Hitting the potty on any rest-stops including one where they actually had a toddler toilet! He was so excited.


He got his first reward for potty training, his own underpants.  Which he has proudly displayed to anyone who will watch as he will pull his shorts down in front of them.  (Yes I know I need to fix that.)

He’s had a little backsliding here and there but he is definitely going potty at least once a day which is all I could ask for.  Yes, there are still wet diapers but it’s a start.  And I’ll take it.


We just started using a sticker map for prizes.  There’s a super prize for the first poop and prizes for successful days.  Hopefully, the potty pooping will come soon. I can’t wait for him to be done with diapers.

potty training, potty win, freebie, tadpoles and mud puddles


Did you have to fight for a potty training win?

How about you?  Have any successes?  How about failures? You can read about mine here (he’s not ready yet.). Remember it’s all in your child’s time, not yours.

potty training win, potty training, potty win, freebie


  1. Hahaha that little boy is priceless – love the facial reaction!

  2. Yay for your potty training win! Coincidentally, I started potty training today! After cleaning up one pee pee underwear and one poo underwear, I got frustrated and put him back in a diaper. I know consistency is key but today was just one of those days… hope I have better luck tomorrow! And good luck to you too!

  3. Congratulations! That’s an absolute achievement. I remembered those very stressful times. But just like what my friends say, it will happen when they’re ready.

  4. We have to celebrate every little success because our little ones are really trying so hard. So exciting that your son is attaining mastery with using the potty!