The Best Beach Toys for Summer Vacation

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It’s almost summer and it’s time to start heading off for summer fun.  We got to go to the beach for memorial day this year and brought a bunch of beach toys for fun in the sun.  Be it sandcastle building or water play, or friend making: here’s our go-to beach toys list for your summer vacation.  And don’t forget to back the swimsuits and sunscreen. 🙂

Fun in the sun with father and son

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When it comes to summer vacation it’s always the beach. Come check out our picks for the best beach toys for your next beach vacation.


summer vacation with sand toys

Sand toys are a must when you’re at the beach. Build sandcastles require shovels and buckets but there are many other fun things to use. Aiden loves using sand-shapers. Many of ours came from the dollar store. You can get sandcastle shapes or beach and water creatures. They can be easier to use than the traditional bucket and shovel. You can find them on Amazon here.

Another one of our favorites is the dump truck and excavator. Aiden received a set for Christmas from one of my brothers. They are always in his sandbox and we often take a dump truck and excavator to the beach. Over the years we’ve purchased a few others from the thrift store or yard sales.


water play

As you probably know we love the water. My son’s been in the water since he was six weeks old.

Related post: How To Teach Your Toddler to Swim

So when it comes to the beach the sand isn’t the only thing we’re playing in. Although he’s a good swimmer I will always be extremely close. And so should you.

Kids age 4 and under are more likely to die from drowning than anything else. Teens are also at high risk. [1]

Social Fun

Frisbee on the beach

There nothing better then make a new friend at the beach. Aiden loves to hang out with new people and social toys means mommy gets to relax a little too.

We love beach balls and frisbees. It’s super easy to make a few new friends if you start throwing around a ball or a frisbee. Who wants to play?

For Everyone

hanging out on the beach

For the first time ever we decided to vacation at a resort. They offered free beach chairs and umbrellas. I’ve never realized how nice it is to have a little shade on the beach. There’s no way I’m going without something the next time we hit the beach. Even if the place you’re staying doesn’t offer umbrellas and chairs there’s plenty of lightweight options you can squeeze into the car.

Summer Vacation

Regardless of what you bring enjoy making memories as a family. Take lots of pictures and find a few seashells. Let me know in the comments where you’re going this year or what you’ve done in the past.

Related Post: Quick Trip to the Beach, No Plan Just Go


[1] Water Safety (for Parents) Nemours KidsHealth

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The Best Beach Toys for Summer Vacation


  1. I’m really hoping to get to the beach this year for Labor Day, but nothing confirmed yet. Not only have the kids been asking but the beach really is my happy place! I could sit there for hours on end!

  2. That kid looks like he is having a lot of fun. I bet gadgets won’t be a smart idea to bring at the beach. Thanks for all the tips, clear and informative.

  3. Great post! I like that it’s so detailed. Amazon always has a lot of cool stuff for the kiddos. The best part is that is super affordable.

    Candace Hampton

  4. A bucket is so much more entertaining that you would expect. Infinite fun for little ones!

  5. Enriqueta Lemoine

    My kids love the beach! It helps to have toys for sure though, or they start throwing sand. And thats not fun for anyone.

  6. This is such a great idea for the summer. Our little guy is always trying to bring all his toys with us.

  7. My boys are crazy about construction so we always bring construction trucks. I have a couple in a big Home Depot bucket so I can grab it and go!

  8. We love a good boogie board and suncastle kit!

  9. Who doesn’t love beach toys! I never would have thought to bring a dump truck to the beach but it’s perfect for making sand castles.

  10. I am so glad that you managed to find a resort that gave you beach chairs and umbrellas because it looks like it is super hot at that beach.

  11. Toys are an essential…especially at the beach. My girls always loved a bucket and large shovel. What am I talking about, they still do! Thanks for sharing!

  12. These toys seem to be perfect for playing at the beach! I don’t have kids but I’ll buy some of them for my friends’ kiddos! 🙂

  13. My last beach trip was a couple of years ago in California. I am hoping that we can go again next year and make some memories with our littles. There is nothing like sitting on the beach watching the kids build sand castles and find seashells.

  14. Yay, these are awesome. I’m definitely going overboard buying toys for my nephew. Thanks for sharing!

  15. There is nothing quite like being by the sea when it comes to the summer is there? These sound like some wonderful toys for little ones as well to get to try out.

  16. We always carry sand pails and shovels. In addition, to hours of fun they are great for collecting memories, too!

  17. I do love lazy days on the beach. Your son is having so much fun in the sand.