Kindergarten Routine

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If your homeschooling like us you need a routine or some form of schedule.  Last year we tried to cover all of our topics once a week. This year we’re trying to cover all of our topics once a day in our Kindergarten routine.  We do most of our work in the morning. It’s a lot and he has a hard time sitting still.

Homeschooling is hard.  But it’s fantastic to have all the flexibility and to do it when we want. 

Kindergarten routine reading
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Even though Aiden’s a little under 5 years old we decided to start kindergarten this year.  He’s done well with preschool and pre-k so it’s time. To make our lives a little easier I decided to make a routine for Kindergarten which consists of about 2 hours of school a day, 5 days a week. 

Kindergarten Routine

Now the two hours are not all academic.  The first hour is an exercise of some kind.  It could be a nature walk, swimming, or park time.  That hour is to get the wiggles out.


moving as part of the kindergarten routine

I can stress enough the moving hour.  Aiden needs to move. He’s a highly active kid and asking him to focus or sit still is asking a lot.  He doesn’t even sit still when he eats.  

Because Aiden is a high energy kid he gets to move first.   

If you have a high energy kid, you should add this to your routine.  You want them to listen, they need something to burn off some of the energy.

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Academic Blocks

The next hour is broken up into 15-minute blocks.  The order right now is I read something on our topic.  During that time he can draw or build or drive his matchbox cars as long as he will listen. 

Reading and Writing

dino activity book Kindergarten routine
Dino activity book

When I finish reading Aiden can practice his reading or writing.  He gets to pick so he gets the control he wants and then we do the other subject.

Reading is still in the pre-reading stage for Aiden.  He recognizes some words but doesn’t try to sound out words yet.  The ones he’s memorized so far he will say with me. The rest he says after me.  We read one or two during this time. Sometimes the same book twice in a row (or 5 million if he really likes that book). 

writing pencils

Writing has just started to be paper.  We were using a writing app and he was using his finger to trace the letters.  Now he writes with his right and left hand. I’m still teaching him to write correctly which is difficult because I only write left-handed.  He likes to trace letters and will write super big in comparison when he writes free handed.      

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Finally, we work on math.  We’re working on counting, matching, adding, and subtracting.

I give him a few basic problems.  He uses his cars or blocks to help him see the problem.  I encourage using his fingers to count out how many or making dots on the paper to make it easier to for adding and subtracting.  


bug hunt kindergarten routine

To make all of this fun and exciting we’re doing themes.  For September we are studying bugs. It’s a great way to incorporate his moving time with learning.  

We’re doing bug hunts in our yard or at the park.  When we find a bug we watch it for a while. Talk about what I know about that bug and what we can see from how it moves or what it does.  Then head inside to learn more.

When we’re finished with our learning I should have a few freebies and a workbook you can purchase if you’re little one wants to learn about the creepy crawlies.  Today you can download a bug coloring page below and keep your eyes out for the workbooks.  

Kindergarten Routine 


I’m pretty with our routine this year.  It seems to be working for Aiden. He really loves our current topic and is always on the hunt for bugs.  If you have a kindergarten either in school or being homeschooled don’t forget to download our free coloring page.  

Are you a homeschooler or considering homeschooling?  What’s your daily routine? Do you follow a set schedule or figure it out day-to-day?  What would help you in your homeschooling day? Let me know in the comments below.

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kindergarten routine


  1. I know the importance of routine, I use to home school one of my brothers kid with special needs and our routine was working well for us, although am not a fan of home schooling but have to make an exception because of his condition while we look for a school that he will fit in perfectly.

  2. Awe! I don’t have any children but I know the importance of routine! I think routines are beneficial for anyone.

  3. I think preschool and kindergarten were my FAVORITE grades to homeschool! I also completely agree about the moving hour. So important!

  4. Routines are so good for kids in general! I don’t homeschool, as I find my kids just do better than learning from me, but this sounds like it is working well for you!

  5. Amila Wickramarachchi

    It is good to have a routine if you homeschooling.My kid is already attending kindergarten,but I also help him to improve skills working with him at home.This is a really practical routine for a kid..

  6. I liked reading about your homeschool routine! I have 2 younger babes that I’ve been thought about homeschooling. I did like the bug hunt activity and will have to do this!

  7. Oh this is excellent information! I have some friends that I know will love to read this, so I’ll forward it. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. I think homeschooling offers you the opportunity to find a schedule that is right for your child. Some kids perform better with a set schedule and others with an open routine.

  9. This is such a great routine! I don’t homeschool, but I know this will help people who do.

  10. I like this way of learning. Exploring outside is a great way to learn.