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There are lots of awesome ideas for a kindergarten birthday party.  Fun places to go and great things to do. For Aiden, we did a party in our yard.  A bug-themed birthday party with bug-themed food and activities.  

We had some of his good friends over and because Aiden has been learning about bugs in September he wanted to have a bug-themed birthday party.  Which surprise surprise isn’t as uncommon as I thought. I hit Pinterest and found a ton of food ideas.

Bug-Themed Birthday Party Food

Pinterest was extremely helpful with food ideas.  I wanted to make some bug-themed party food but the only thing I could think of off the top of my head was ants on a log.  There are some awesome ideas out there and with the bento lunches being so popular the idea of bug-shaped food is super easy to find.

Hot Dogs

For a protein, I went with the cheap and safe choice of hot dogs.  I know most kids will eat hot dogs or at least the bun.  

I saw a couple of cute ideas for shaping the hotdogs but just went with regular ones.

PB&J Spiders

spider pb&j sandwiches

As a vegetarian option, I made PB&J sandwiches in the shape of a spider.  These were found on Pinterest from Welshes.

I used a generous amount of peanut butter to keep the pretzels in place and just a dot to keep the chocolate chips in place.

Butterfly Pasta

butterfly pasta

As a pasta salad, I made the bow pasta and added yellow peppers, grape tomatoes, and scallions.  With some black pepper and garlic powder to season.

Caterpillar Kabobs

grape caterpillars

For these kabobs, I grabbed some red and green grapes and alternated 6 grapes.  I then added a little bit of cream cheese and two chocolate chips for the eyes. This was surprisingly good with the cream cheese.

Ants on a Log

ants on a log

As a normal addition to any big unit, ants on a log is a classic from my childhood.  Using celery, raisins, and peanut butter or cream cheese this super healthy snack is easy to make.  Simply add your peanut butter or cream cheese to a piece of celery and place a few raisins on top.

Worms in Mud

worm in mud

This delicious dessert is a huge crowd favorite with a bunch of little ones.  Mine was made with some Oreos, chocolate pudding, and gummy worms. I put some smashed Oreos in the bottom of a clear plastic cup, then layered on some chocolate pudding with worm number one, and then added another layer of Oreos with worm number two on top.  

This can have whipped cream in the layers or use chocolate ice cream instead of pudding.  

Bug Cupcakes

bug cupcakes

I found these cute bug toppers for cupcakes from Amazon.  There is an edible option too. They went on top of Walmart chocolate and vanilla mini cupcakes

Bug-Themed Birthday Party Activities 

activity for our bug-themed birthday party KnB's Inflatables Please bouncy house

With our bug-themed party, I planned a few fun activities including a pinata, a spider web, pin the dots on the ladybug, a bug hunt, and borrowed a Winny the Pooh bouncy house from KnB’s Inflatables Please.

Related Post: Fun at KnB’s Inflatables Please


activity for our bug-themed birthday party bee pinata

I made a bee pinata for the party out of an old cereal box, tape, and some streamers to cover the box.  It’s honestly pretty easy to make. And I filled it up with chocolate and bugs. 

I cut out two bee shapes and put small slices of cardboard in between these bee shapes with scotch tape.  Then covered it with the streamers. First with yellow, wrapping the small slices first and then the larger pieces.  Once done I added the black stripes. Finally adding two white paper wings. And hanging it with a thin piece of ribbon.  

Spider Web

activity for our bug-themed birthday party Spider web activity

A spider web is something you can use for a Halloween party too.  I used a tree as a base and 3 stacks to connect yarn to. Then it got strung all around and through until it looked like a web.  I added a couple of spiders from the dollar store to avoid as the kids wandered through.   

Pin the Dots on the Ladybug  

activity for our bug-themed birthday party Pin the dots on the ladybug

Similar to pin the tail on the donkey I made a giant ladybug to put in the dots on.  My ladybug was made out of 4 pieces of red construction paper and a black streamer.  I made the spots from black cardstock and velcro spots. This was all glued on a big poster board and then used our easel outside.   

Bug Hunt

activity for our bug-themed birthday party bug hunt

Since we’ve been doing a ton of bug hunts with my son I thought we could try one with the kids.  I got butterfly nets, magnifying glasses, bug cups, and mini plastic bugs. I also had 3 books from the library for them to identify any new bugs they found.

Bug-Themed Birthday Party

If you’re planning a bug-themed birthday party I hope you’ve got some good ideas. We had a great time with ours. Let me know in the comments below what your favorite part of our party is. And any cool ideas you’ve used at your child’s birthday party. What are your favorite themes? Activities? We’d love to hear from you.

Pin It for your Bug-Themed Birthday Party

bug-themed birthday party


  1. A bug theme party is a great and a CUTE idea! I love the “bug” party food!

  2. Such amazing ideas for parties. Love them all, and like the idea of the bugs lol

  3. These snack ideas are so fun and look super cool. My kids loved those and I am so grateful to come across your post.

  4. omg these are soooo cute!!! I love the idea and the execution is awesome. So creative.

  5. How Fun!! I have always love doing Bug themed activities with the kiddos and this birthday party looks amazing and like it was a lot of fun for the littles!

  6. Oh this is so creative ideas and very perfect for birthdays! every kid would definitely love this! And i love your food idea also! It’s perfect and kid would eat those for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh my goodness all these ideas are absolutely ADORABLE! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  8. These ideas are so amazing! I bet the kids had such a great time!

  9. Would never have thought of this. Definitely something my sister in law would be into (she’s a party planner).

  10. Definitely a fun birthday with good, child-friendly food

  11. How adorable is this bug themed birthday party! My son would absolutely love it for his next party!

  12. Ha! I totally see a BUG THEMED birthday party in my future – so I have to remember these ideas!

  13. These are such great ideas! I might have to make some of these snacks for fun.