DIY Garden Starters Get Your Hands Dirty

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In this brave new world of 2020, it’s more important than ever to have a successful garden.  Between weird weather and a new job, the garden itself hasn’t been touched yet.  But our plants had to be started if the goal is to have fresh products in August.  Get your hands dirty and get your garden starters started. We love planting our garden from seed and watching our plants grow. It’s fun and educational.

Here are our picks for gardening this year.

The Moveable Planters

plant holders garden starters

There’s been a lot of crappy weather here in Pennsylvania.  We have sunshine and 70 degrees and the next day snow.  So it’s critical to be able to move the plants inside if it gets bad.

We have a few dollars store plastic trays that really make it easy to move.  


Biodegradable Starters

biodgradable seed starters

Grab those cardboard egg cartons or some of these plant starters.  This makes it super easy to put the plants in the garden when the weather gets nice.  

The Best Dirt

Whether you make your own compost or buy it make sure you look for vitamin and nutrient-rich soil called loamy soil.  We like Earthgro Organic Humus and Manure. You can get this one at Walmart.

Giant zucchini
Last year’s zucchinis!

Totally worth the money for good dirt.  💰

The best dirt out there for your garden starters.


The Cheapest Seeds

garden starters for strawberries from the dollar store
garden starters $0.20 seeds from the dollar store

We usually get seeds from the dollar store and a few of the ones we can’t find there at Walmart.  You can also get a lot of seeds for free. Check out my friend Tisha’s post below for details how. ⬇️

How to Start a Victory Garden FOR FREE!


Telling your small plants apart can be a challenge if you’re starting a bunch of seeds. To help out with this we grab some of these white markers from the dollar store and made some of our own with foam, velcro dots, and sharpie.

white plant markers for garden starters
DIY plant markers for garden starters


Little Helpers

I’m sure your littles want to get in on all the growing. It’s a great chance to get in the mud and learn how to plant seeds. And a perfect learning opportunity for those of you homeschooling (or distance learning right now).

Getting your hands dirty together

I also found this amazing book at the library from Better Homes and Gardens.  It’s called “New Junior Garden Book“.  I liked it so much I purchased my own copy.  It’s full of ideas to get your kids into gardening.  Or just to enjoy it more.  We’re going to make a few of the ideas including the Sunflower House which is an awesome summer fort idea.

Get your DIY Garden Starters Started

Are you started a garden this year? Will you make your own garden starters? Or buy them from the store? Let me know in the comments below.

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DIY garden starters


If you’re ready to get an abundant garden but are challenged for space, listen up! The team at Ultimate Bundles has partnered with Jill McSheehy, gardening podcaster, and blogger, to bring you a FREE class: The Productive Garden: How to Make the Most of Whatever Space You Have.

Wish you could grow your own but don’t know where to start? No matter where you live or your level of gardening expertise, you CAN grow more of your own food. Find 25 resources to show you how inside the Gardening & Sustainable Living Bundle. $24.97 for 5 days only. (April 12-16, 2021)

gardening and sustainable living bundle available for a short time.